Hazel Premium

Get the help you deserve

Expert personalised help with finding, buying and moving into you next home

Impartial advice

Dedicated support from an expert buying agent who will help you find the right location and property for you

Off Market Properties

Access to off-market properties that are not yet officially for sale

A better deal

Help with negotiating the price and terms of sale, and expert help pushing the paperwork through to completion

A smoother move

Expert help with 8 hours of support from a move concierge who can help you with decluttering and packing

Expert Help at your Service

Every Hazel buying agent is carefully selected based on their knowledge and expertise. Our experts give unbiased, honest advice and help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Call us on the number below to get started - there's no pressure or commitment required.

Call us on 01225 941 135

How it Works

  • 1

    Introductory meeting

    Your dedicated buying-agent will get to know you in person and understand your aspirations, needs and budget via a 60 minute zoom call

  • 2

    Location and Property Sourcing

    Your buying-agent will then help you narrow down the right location for your requirements. We then source a shortlist of suitable properties - including off-market properties

  • 3

    Coordination of property viewings

    Your buying agent will organise viewings and help you ask the right questions when you are there. This includes working up a full itinerary for your visit, inspecting each property before your visit, and if necessary arranging remote viewings if you are unable to attend in person

  • 4

    Helping you decide

    Your buying agent will help you work through your decision. Our objective is to help you reach the right answer for you - not sell you a particular property

  • 5

    Negotiating the offer

    Once you are clear on which property you want, your buying-agent will help you formulate an offer covering both the price and any other conditions of purchase. With your permission, your buying-agent will position this offer with the estate agent and handle the subsequent negotiation

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    Managing the process to completion

    Your buying-agent will coordinate with the estate agent, solicitors, surveyors and other parties to push your offer through to completion

  • 6

    Preparing for moving day

    As part of the service you get 8 hours with one of our relocation assistants - who will help you declutter, pack, select your removal company and organise the logistics of your move

  • 8

    Settling in afterwards

    As part of the service we will also help with organising utilities and other local services once you have moved in

Fair and transparent pricing

We charge £100 up front and 1% of the value of the property you buy payable on completion

(Prices exclude VAT)

Call us on 01225 941 135


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